Twenty years ago Coblands Landscapes chose to expand its grounds maintenance activities with the result that it now represents half of our business, since then our staff have been providing award winning services with the highest horticultural skills to maintain both new and established landscaped grounds.
We specialise in tending high amenity value landscape such as prestige office surrounds, business parks, historical estates and gardens, also sports turf surfaces and public amenity landscape when craft skills and experience makes a valued difference.
Our role is to understand and deliver to our clients the best potential for their investment in a landscape scheme, to sustain the integrity of the design or historic character of the grounds.
Most of the client organisations we met when the service was incepted in the 1990’s remain with us today proving our success, having established between us sound working relationships born of trust and shared belief in the value of well-presented landscape whether ornamental or functional or both.
We see grounds maintenance as an opportunity to not just to sustain but to develop the quality of the managed landscape features, looking to the long term outcome and achieving the best return for the investment made in the built environment whether large or small.